Monday, November 23, 2015


Logansport Mayor-elect Dave Kitchell has announced some of the department heads who will be assuming their responsibilities along with him Jan. 1.

Mercedes Brugh, a former Logansport City Council member and long-time Logansport resident, will assume the role of deputy mayor. Brugh, is known for her efforts that led to the development of the Little Turtle Waterway beginning in the 1980s and is a self-employed artist, with her work featured in 40 galleries across the country. Brugh has written grant applications that have secured more than $4.4 million in development for the city and has closely studied the power plant issues, attending dozens of city council and Utility Service Board meetings.

By virtue of her office, Brugh will serve as one of three members on the Logansport Board of Public Works and Safety. In addition to Kitchell and Brugh, the third appointee will be Carl McPherson, a retired Logansport resident who recently ran for city council. Brugh also will serve as a mayoral appointment to the Logansport Planning Commission.

Brad Rozzi, a sergeant in the Detective Division of the Logansport Police Department, will be the new police chief. Rozzi is in his 21st year on the department. He is a crime scene investigator and has been in charge of maintaining evidence for the department. His assistant chief will be Rob Smith, who also is a sergeant. Bernie Mittica has been named fire chief. He served as acting chief in the Fincher Administration when former Chief Bob McMinn was on medical leave.

Kitchell has announced he will abolish the title of Public Works director, effectively separating the position back to the two positions. Tony Shanks, who is in his 30th year with the Logansport Street Department, will serve as street commissioner. The supervisor will be Bryan Gleitz, who has served in the department for several years.

Marla Evanich, who has been employed with the Logansport Community School Corporation for the past three years, will assume the role of administrative assistant in the Mayor’s Office. She worked for former Clerk-Treasurer Ruth Ellen Bland as a deputy. Bob Bernhardt, a 26-year employee of the cemetery department, has accepted the cemetery sexton position.

Kitchell says the city’s Community Development Department and the newly created economic development department will be eliminated, and the council will have to rectify the language for the deputy mayor position. Under Mayor Mike Fincher’s administration, the deputy mayor position became the community development director.