Friday, February 5, 2016


The Indiana State Police in partnership with the Governor’s Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI), would like to remind all Indiana motorists to celebrate this year’s Super Bowl responsibly, by driving sober and safe.

During the 2015 Super Bowl weekend, there were nearly 740 traffic collisions in Indiana. Of those, 45 were alcohol-related, with 60 percent involving a driver with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or greater. In total, there were 14 injuries and 0 deaths as a result of alcohol-related accidents.

Motorists are reminded to plan a safe way home before the celebration begins and not to drive impaired. If you do drink, use a taxi, public transportation, ride sharing service or designate a sober friend or family member and give them your keys. If you see a drunk driver on the road, call 911.If you know someone who is about to drive or ride impaired, take their keys and help make arrangements to get them home safely.