Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The Cass County Community Foundation awarded more than $100,000 in community grant funds to local organizations during a reception last night at Ivy Tech. 23 proposals totalling more than half a million dollars in funding requests were received. The foundation’s grant committee evaluated and compared the proposals and had been authorized to award up to $100,000. After careful review and consideration, the committee unanimously recommended the Grants Chair request approximately $2,300 more from the board, allowing them to completely fund nine proposals and fund significant phases or projects for three other organizations.

The largest grants awarded include $22,705 to the NC Indiana Regional Planning and Cass County Fire District 1 for a Jaws of Life Extrication Tool, $18,600 to the Cass County Carousel for a new drive unit for the Carousel and $20,000 to the Cass County Arts Alliance for the Two Rivers Arts and Music Festival.

Additional grants: $10,008 to Civic Players for new microphones and transmitters.

Cass/Pulaski Community Corrections/Logan’s Landing $9,913.86 for a greenhouse expansion to grow 2,500 more plants

Emmaus Mission Center: $5,500 for shelter beds/insect resistant covers

Southeastern Buddy Bags: $5,605 for expansion of food program to Jr. High School

Junior Achievement Cass County: $4,960 for the 5th grade JA Our Nation Program

Royal Center Volunteer Fire Department/RC Boone Library: $1,305.92 for community e-readers

Big Brothers/Big Sisters: $1,446 for technology update

Pulaski Health Foundation/Panhandle Pathway: $1,200 for an asphalt crack melter

Cass County Fire Association: $1,056 for climate managing equipment to be used by any county safety workers in extreme weather

Total distribution for recommended grants is $102,299.78.

For more information, contact the Cass County Community Foundation at (574) 722-2200.

Funding for community grants is made available through the generosity of donors to CCCF’s unrestricted community endowments. Currently, the Foundation has a $1 to $1 match from Lilly Endowment Phase VI for any new gifts to the unrestricted community funds.