Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Subaru of Indiana Automotive announced a 140 million investment yesterday, with plans to create more than 1200 new jobs in Lafayette by 2017.

This news comes on the heels of Governor Pence’s recent jobs and economic development mission to Japan last week, where he met with the president of Fuji Heavy Industries in Tokyo. SIA’s investment will be in addition to its $400 million expansion currently underway, which was announced in May 2013, dedicated to a new paint shop and an expansion of the engine assembly and stamping sections to enable SIA to begin Subaru Impreza production by the end of 2016.

SIA currently employs more than 3,800 Hoosiers and produces approximately 300,000 cars each year. The facility has built more than 4 million vehicles, including more than 2 million Subarus, since the start of production in 1989. The company’s expansion is also expected to spur growth of its direct material suppliers as well, including 28 located across Indiana.