Thursday, September 24, 2015


Carter Fuel Systems issued a notice of layoff yesterday for its Logansport facility. According to a notice posted on the Indiana Department of Workforce Development website, the company plans to eliminate 111 positions beginning November 22. Employees are represented by United Steelworkers Local 4863. Mayor Ted Franklin said this morning that he received notification of the plan by e-mail late in the day yesterday. He said the move appears to have been a business decision by the company to exit from a particular market, and his prayers will be with those facing the layoffs. Dave Kitchell, the Democrat candidate for mayor, said in an email that announcements such as these are devastating to Logansport and Cass County, where he says there are fewer jobs than there were four years ago, that wage levels, adjusted for inflation, are below what they were in 2008. Kitchell called it a difficult day for workers and their families who will be affected by the decision.