Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Yesterday, Governor Mike Pence announced the creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Drug Enforcement, Treatment, and Prevention (Task Force), an effort by his Administration to combat drug abuse in Indiana.

Established by Executive Order, the Task Force will bring together Indiana experts from a variety of specialties to evaluate the growing national drug problem here in Indiana. Specifically, the Task Force is charged with:

· Statewide assessment: Evaluate the existing resources across all areas, identify gaps in enforcement, treatment and prevention and provide recommendations for improvement.

· Enforcement: Identify effective strategies so federal, state, and local law enforcement can partner together to combat drug abuse

· Treatment: Analyze available resources for treatment and identify best practices for treating drug addiction

· Prevention: Identify programs and/or policies which are effective in preventing drug abuse, including early youth intervention programs

The Task Force will meet monthly for the next three months – on September 16th, October 15th, and November 19th. The meetings will take place in the north, south, and central regions and will include testimony from local experts and families impacted by the epidemic. The Task Force will provide recommendations to the Governor throughout the process of meetings, and will prepare a final report of all findings and recommendations.

From 1999 to 2009, Indiana saw a 500 percent increase in the rate of drug overdose deaths, and in 2013, Indiana ranked 16th in highest overdose rate in the nation.