Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Indiana Governor Mike Pence has declared September Preparedness Month in the state, urging Hoosiers to develop plans for coping with natural or man-made disasters and emergencies.

The governor’s proclamation calls on the state’s citizens to create disaster preparedness kits in case emergency supplies are needed during times of evacuations or prolonged power outages. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) encourages Hoosiers to make and practice escape routes.
Threats of tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, flooding, snow storms and even earthquakes are common in Indiana.

Hoosiers are encouraged to prepare and practice a home communications plans, and designate an out-of-state contact so family and friends know who to call if local communications are not operating. Parents should know their children’s school emergency plan and how to react if the plan is activated. You should also know your employer’s emergency plan in the event that an emergency happens at work.

More detailed information on suggested content for an emergency kit and emergency preparedness tips are available at the Indiana Department of Homeland Security’s Get Prepared website, GetPrepared.in.gov.

National Preparedness Month efforts are led every September by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency.