Friday, January 15, 2016


A large crowd turned out to hear from The Indiana Municipal Power Agency and Duke Energy last night about what they could offer Logansport in the way of electric rates and other added value. The program, organized by Mayor Dave Kitchell, included presentations from both groups, followed by questions from those in attendance.

When LMU’s electric generating plant closes this month, LMU will buy all of its wholesale power from Duke, a move that’s expected to result in a 10% decrease in electric rates. LMU’s contract with Duke runs through 2018, but Duke says they’ve submitted a proposal to extend the contract to LMU.

IMPA is an organization that’s owned by its members, which include 59 municipal power companies in Indiana and one in Ohio. LMU was an original founding member in 1980 but withdrew in 1983.

Duke is a for-profit company that says it has had a relationship with Logansport for 50+ years.

Contracts with either agency would be negotiated by LMU’s superintendent and Utility Service Board. All that would change is where LMU buys the electricity it supplies to its customers, not the service it provides. Currently, we get about 70 percent of our electricity through Duke Energy.