Monday, July 6, 2015


The Cass County Community Foundation will once again sponsor a “Keep the Music Playing” contest at the Cass County 4-H Fair July 6-9th.  All four local high school music departments will have the opportunity to earn up to $500 in match money during the fair.

This year at the fair, CCCF will have donation containers for Caston, Lewis Cass, Logansport and Pioneer music groups and will match those donations up to a total of $500 per school for the week.  Visitors can stop by the CCCF booth in Merchants Building #1 and “cast their vote” for their favorite school by placing a donation of any size in that school’s container. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to the school’s $500 total.

Music students from each school will be on hand to promote their schools and help raise awareness of their talents and the need as a community to help that talent grow.

 CCCF President, Deanna Crispen said, “This is a friendly competition for our young music students that allows us to help them with a little additional funding. Funds can be used for everything from instruments to private lessons to the Lewis Cass Marching Band’s trip to Macy’s parade in November.  

Crispen noted that all contributions are tax deductible and anyone who makes a donation by check will receive a written receipt of their donation.

All fairgoers are encouraged to visit the Community Foundation booth and cast their vote!  For more information call CCCF at 574-722-2200.